
SN1101: Biden’s Blitzkrieg, Ideological Purity & Social Side Effects ⚠️

Previous Episode: SN1042: Dystopian Daze, Toxic Healthcare & Inclusive Capitalism

Minicast: The Presidency of Shadows

Watch or Listen Below:

On the heels of the inauguration of Joseph R. Biden, Jr. as the President of the United States, we have returned. Our three week-long break has rejuvenated me, only to see a fair amount of the populous demoralized. The perfect storm as promised by Trump was executed with almost flawless precision leaving many around the world stunned at corrupt elements of our government seizing control. While the peaceful and orderly transition of the occupation of America is carried out, the stunned and bewildered population of the United States stare in awe as the very system they once fought for is systematically organizing itself against them. We have successfully been infiltrated as a nation by both foreign elements working with domestic organizations to subvert the constitution and the will of the American people. It brings me no joy to see the end to the Trump Administration, but I thoroughly believe that all of these issues, both pre-existing and current, couldn't have been met without the efforts of the previous administration. If we hadn't been made aware to these systemic and generational issues, they would've persisted and escalated, however, due to the efforts of Trump and others, these controversial issues and more have been brought to the forefront. Now, the real fight continues.

DOWNLOAD: Downloadable Vaccine Refusal & Coercion Exemption Forms
WATCH: President Trump, "It Was My Greatest Honor and Privilege To Have Been Your President"
WATCH: Dem. Congressman Says White, Male, Trump Voting Troops May Betray BIden...
WATCH: Former NYPD Top Dog: "For The Last 20 Years Our Biggest Concern Was ISIS, Al Qaeda. Now It's The Citizens Of The U.S."
WATCH: Germany Set To Detain CoViD Rulebreakers In Refugee Camps

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Comments: 2
  • #1

    ayundia (Monday, 25 January 2021 23:50)


  • #2

    ayundia (Monday, 25 January 2021 23:51)

    Senapan PCP yang dikenal di kalangan penembak adalah
    singkatan dari Pre-Charged Pneumatic. Di indonesia, senapan
    ini banyak sekali digunakan oleh para pecinta senapan, baik
    untuk berburu maupun sekedar hobi koleksi senapan.
    Dibandingkan senapan Uklik, senapan PCP memiliki banyak
    sekali keunggulan baik dari segi power, akurasi, dan daya
    jangkau. Sesuai namanya, Pre-Charged Pneumatic, senapan PCP
    menggunakan udara yang sudah disimpan dan dikompresi atau
    dimampatkan dalam tabung untuk mendorong peluru keluar dari
    laras. Tabung udara ini terdapat pada badan senapan.
    Berbeda dengan senapan Uklik, senapan PCP memungkinkan
    untuk menembak berkali-kali dalam sekali pengisian tabung
    udara. <a href="https://youtu.be/RfvPzXy6-h0">PCP Big Game</a>. tabung udara pada senapan PCP harus
    memenuhi spesifikasi utuk menampung udara bertekanan
    tinggi. Tekanan udara pada tabung senapan PCP berbedabeda, sesuai dengan jenis senapan. Umumnya antara 2000 -
    5000 Psi. Pada bodi senapan terdapat monometer untuk
    mengukur tekanan udara dalam tabung