Do You Have Good Credit? Check with Financial Eduacation Services

Financial Education Services has been helping our customers achieve their highest financial potential for over 10 years. We pride ourselves on our Accredited A+ Rating with the Better Business Bureau: A representation of our personal commitment towards customer satisfaction. Our mission is to eliminate the burden of financial uncertainty while creating a plan of action and peace of mind for the future. We complete this mission by leveraging the laws that congress put in place which is the (FRCA) Fair Credit Reporting Act enacted in 1970. This prohibits how credit agencies handles consumers reports and also protects the privacy, fairness, and accuracy on consumers reports. This helps us in removing delinquent items from your credit report such as late payments, loans, collections and so much more. This is also possible because Credit agencies are not government agencies, they are billion dollar companies that get paid to put items on consumers credit reports. When you become a customer you get a website to monitor your file as items are being deleted from your file and you receive alerts on your credit score. In addition you get other products to Educate you on Financial Literacy.



Who Do You Know:


• Has Less Than Perfect Credit?
• Does Not Have a Will, Trust or Powers of Attorney?
• Who Has Debt and Would Benefit From a System to Pay It Off?
• Works in a Credit Related Industry Such as Real Estate, Mortgage, Auto or Banking?



Cost of Bad Credit:


•Your credit is constantly monitored and can impact everything from your interest rates to your insurance premiums.
•Without a strong credit score, you could be denied the ability to rent or purchase, to obtain credit cards and can even be used when considering your employment.
•A low credit score could cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars over the course of your lifetime.
•In the richest country in the world, America, 76% of people live paycheck to paycheck. 50% have no money for retirement and 47% don’t have $400 for an emergency.
•43 million Americans have less than a 599 credit score.


Debt collectors buy information and have no legal right to collect a debt unless you verify it. You don’t owe a collection agency a dime of your money regardless of the fear tactics they use. Once the original creditor sells your debt to another agency, they have forfeited their right to collect any money from you. Federal Education Services can help you dispute these collection debts!

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