
Debate: The Sphere Earth Against The Flat Earth ⚠️

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Post-Debate Round Up with Charles [Watch] & Jay [Watch]

Two heavy hitters within the modern day conscious community on Instagram, Jay of @Truth_Is_Our_Religion and Charles of @TruthIsTerrorism, have come together in a rather civil manner to discuss the validity of the shape of the Earth. Now, we've had Jay on our show in the past to talk about specifically Flat Earth and some of it's implications, however Charles, is responding to the wide and increasingly accepted theory. Moments like these are rare, simply because it offers a whole new approach and different insights to an already controversial topic.

Just like everything else we discuss on the page, podcast and website, skepticism is one of the primary attributes required when looking at the wide variety of topics we do, yet this particular theory seems to be readily accepted by masses. I'll save my thoughts and opinions on things for the post-debate round up's. The audience agrees, this wasn't so much a debate, so much as it was a presentation of facts, but I think everyone understands with material like this, an hour isn't enough to effectively convey either argument.

Does this stop our intrepid colleagues? Not in the slightest. We've reached out to both contenders, hoping that another bout of intellectual blows is being scheduled, but only time will tell. I think it should be known that both of these two, Jay and Charles, have been on our shows before to speak about a litany of other issues and having them consolidate their thoughts, offering their time is important.

Lastly, I'd like to leave you the audience with this: We have to keep open minds, but not so open that our minds fall out and not so close minded that we refuse new knowledge.

Charles' Information:
Round Up with Charles [Watch/Listen]
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Jay's Information:
Round Up with Jay [Watch/Listen]
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Comments: 1
  • #1

    Star Shockwave (Wednesday, 20 March 2019 19:24)

    The Sphere theory was created in ancient Greece where it was illegal to speak to the people about the dodecahedron. Water is formless it becomes whatever it is put into. Water and the horizon are level for a reason.