
SN1029: Crippling Cities, Global Infections & Tomorrow’s New World ⚠️

Previous Episode: 1028: Unrest Or Else, CoViD Report & Dividing The Wealth

Minicast: Spiritual Senses Being Overwritten By Physical Instincts
Emergency Transmission: Zbellion

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Intro: Haku by Akiaura
Outro: Sound by ASHEZ

With the world becoming increasingly engulfed by chaos, stability is becoming ever-so elusive. AntiFa and BLM protests have been the only alternative talking point since the release of CoViD and I think many are growing tired of such exposure. All the while, people’s lives are being deliberately destroyed by malfeasance and planned obsolescence with political parties catering to droves of dumbing down people.

From my approximation, life won’t be getting any easier for any of us, any time soon. All year we have tried to raise the alarm about the alarming amount of societal and economic changes taking place in such a short amount of time, and on que, they’re beginning to surface; mass unemployment, inflation, food insecurity and more are now common. Our once great country has been crippled by the coronavirus and our response to it.

So, with a fair amount of the population being disproportionately affected by this virus, and seemingly incompetent politicians on both sides continuing to bungle their responses, I think the real question we should be asking is, “Have we had enough?” If we continue to let our lives be micromanaged by tyrants extracting our wealth and resources from us, do we have the right to complain? Sad truth is, we’re reaching a point where both action and inaction will yield the same result.

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