
SN1311: Internal Infections, A Spiked Population & Corrupt World Disorder ⚠️

Previous Episode: 1310: Crumbling Ideologies, Great Genocides & Chaos By Any Means

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I think we’ve hit the point in history where we’re all just waiting for the real chaotic event to unfold. We can sense that something is wrong, but it’s not the Israel-Hamas conflict, and unfortunately, it’s not even the COVID vaccine. There is something even greater on our horizon that will destabilize us and make the lockdowns look like warm ups.

Our technocratic overlords know their time is short. Earlier this week Hillary Clinton was heckled by a protester, aiming to get her to denounce Joe Biden and his war mongering, and to our surprise she didn’t. The people are waking up and they’re angry, they don’t want to die for a cause unknown.

As the people wake up, desperately trying to put two-and-two together to survive, we’re seeing an escalation of attacks from our adversaries - and this should be expected. We are all waging a war inside of ourselves now, whether we fight through the chaos or absorb the toxic normalcy they’re forcing upon us. Truly monumental days are ahead of us.


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