
SN1404: Declining Standards, Unannounced Atrocities & Terf Wars ⚠️

Previous Episode: 1403: Squeezing America, Excess Silence & Illegal Occupation

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This is one of our longest episodes to-date, and it’s because the implication of the information we’re getting is off the charts. Outside of us being survivors of a biological weapons attack deployed against the general population, we’re living through the beginning stages of a global usurpation of national sovereignty. To say that this is a power packed transmission is an understatement.

We feature testimonies from doctors regarding the vaccine as well as the studies confirming the extent of the damage they’ve caused. When will more of them step up to stop this silent slaughter? Seems like more death is the answer.

After we take a brief detour to look at the biological devastation that’s being let loose upon the public, we take a minute to look at the American southern border and the delightful denizens dragging through. Known gang members and confirmed terrorists are just a small handful, to name a few. Ultimately, we wrap this show up by explaining that the lack of resources available, combined with the importation of a non-compatible populace is a recipe for disaster.

[Watch] Ezra's Eagle: Nuclear 911 Prediction

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