
SN1422: Collapse Culture, Diseased Daze & Encouraging Extinction ⚠️

Previous Episode: 1421: Sodomite Safe Haven, Silent Epidemic & Unruly Behavior

Watch or Listen Below:

As the majority of America and the world watch this debacle of a debate, we’ve been focusing on a much wilder spectacle than we could ever comprehend. Every week we’re seeing more and more evidence of an obvious subversion of humanity by a nefarious cadre of crazy characters. We’re at the point now where we cover war at the start of the show because everything else stems from there.

We’re already seeing the spiritual war manifest itself here in our reality, and that’s no more evidence than what we see taking place in Ukraine. Whether you’re for Ukraine, Russia, NATO or America, you should be against murder and senseless killing. They say the first casualty of war is the truth, and we’ve seen truth sacrificed on the altar of virtue signaling social justice.

All of this is unfolding as the controlling oligarchs have decided to let Julian Assange out, and as stated in this week’s transmission, the world he’s returning to is not the world he left. The world we find ourselves living in is becoming more and more unfamiliar as the Extinctionists and Luciferian Engineers grab the levers of society. Only our eternal vigilance against such evils will reveal the path, because submission is death.

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