
Factions Of Freedom: The Fourth Narrative, Protecting Free Thought & Enlightening Adversity ⚠️

Previous Episode: Anti-Censorship Efforts, The Rise of New Media & Weaponizing Mental Health with Carey Wedler of The Anti-Media

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We're joined by one of the modern forerunners of alternative media on social media, I'm talking Jason Bassler of The Free Thought Project. Unfortunately, The Free Thought Project was among many of the amazing alternative media pages which has suffered at the hands of Facebook's recent censorship cleave. We delve into why that is, who's funding the censorship as well as the coordination and collusion with Twitter.

The idea that they're generalizing ideologies and at the same time trying to institutionalize them shows how Facebook, as an organization, doesn't care about free thought or the individual, we're just products, figures, numbers and formulas to this technocratic oligarchy. These challenges we're faced with are only temporary, they actually create alternative solutions.

We're being presented with a lot of options due to this 'problem' of censorship. This type of adversity may discourage some, but invigorates others, and as devastating as this blow is to alternative media, it forces those of us who have been on the side lines to step up. The fight for freedom, independence of person and thoughts has never been more real. We're seeing the modern version of a digital inquisition, where we go from here is decided by the actions we took yesterday.

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